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Jackson Kayak

Happy Seat

Happy Seat

Regular price $18.99
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SKU: 8805

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The Jackson Kayak Happy Seat is an inflatable bladder that goes under your legs, just in front of your existing seat. The happy seat gives you more control in the boat and takes some of the pressure off of your knees, hips, and butt, making for a more comfortable fit. The Happy Seat comes with a cord to attach the front of it to your floor support, and the back end attached with Velcro straps around your seat. If you have a Jackson Kayak, it was designed perfectly for you!

Warning: This is not product we recommend for beginners. It is also not actually a kayak seat, despite the name. The Happy Seat takes up room in your cockpit so you should make sure it doesn't impede exit from your boat in case of emergency. You should attach it in properly before using it with the cord included. Don’t use it if you aren’t 100% sure that you can get out if necessary.

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