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CleanWaste Wag Bags - Single

CleanWaste Wag Bags - Single

Regular price $3.95
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SKU: 73005.01.100

5+ In stock

Each CleanWaste WAG BAG contains one biodegradable waste bag preloaded with a treatment powder that both neutralizes odors and accelerates decomposition. Each kit also includes toilet paper and a hand sanitizing towelette.

  • The WAG (Waste Alleviation and Gelling) Bag contains enough gelling powder for 3-4 uses.
  • The double bag system is made from a puncture resistant material. It's spill proof and hygienic.
  • The double bagged WAG bag is approved for disposal in any garbage can.
  • In addition to use while boating, the bags work great when hiking, backpacking, rock climbing or as part of an in-home emergency kit.
  • They're essential for backcountry winter sports when it's impossible to dig a "cat hole" for burying waste.

Many boating areas now require you to carry out human waste. Even for those that don't, the removal of waste products protects the environment. Always check ahead with the area management agency to find out what they require for carry out systems.

Always pack out used bags in a rigid, waterproof container.

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