Tony Miely Helping Hand Benefit Raffle and Party

Rivers Media

Most of you blog readers will remember posts from a few months back about Tony losing his right hand in an ATV accident. He’s on the mend, but has some outrageous medical bills mounting, so we’re throwing him a benefit raffle and party!

We’ve put together a 15′ Jacks Plastic cataraft package, including an NRS frame, Sawyer oars, Yeti cooler, plus a load of other gear, all worth over $6000 to raffle off!

Click HERE to purchase raffle tickets.

$25 for 1 or $100 for 5. No need to be present to win.

Also, be sure to join us for the Tony Miely Helping Hands benefit party at SKA Brewing World Headquarters in Durango on Saturday, January 9th from 5 to 10 pm. Beer, music, bands, silent auction and raft raffle, all to help a good friend with his mounting medical bills. See you there!

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